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Onlinetool for Companies

inform and register now

Payrollplus-alles rund um den Lohn erledigt-die digitale Lohnplattform-freelancer-firmen-privathaushalt-payrolling

Within a few clicks you can register your employees and pay salaries

  • We pay the salaries so you benefit from our favourable collective insurances.
  • You no longer have to conclude your own insurances (accident, daily sickness allowance, pension fund).
  • OASI contributions, child allowances and any withholding taxes are also settled and paid by us.

Register now

Create your company profile

Add your companies data and add your logo.


Cockpit overview

You can see all relevant informations and navigate between the different options.

Add your employees

Choose between different salary options and add all the data of your employees.

Manage your employees

Overview of active or inactive employees and the possibility to pay them a salary via quick function.

Pay a salary to your employees

Trigger salary payment for hourly and daily salaries.


Payslip overview

After each salary payment the employee receives an e-mail with the payslip. Here you can download them at anytime.